Reply To: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework

Margaret Farrell

    Hi my name is Mags, I am teaching 1st class for the first time this year.
    An enquiry based activity I would carry out with my class is What a plant needs to grow?
    I would discuss what a plant needs to grow – soil, water, light.
    WE would read books, watch videos about plant life.
    I would divide the class into groups and set up different scenarios, with soil, without soil, watered – not watered, in sunlight out of sunlight. We would make predictions and observe our plants. We have a control plant and discuss where to place the plant for optimal growth and discuss this based on our previous research.
    We would create a pictogram of the plants week on week, and discuss which plants were progressing and how and hypothesis reasons for plants growing and appearing differently.
    We would finally compare our predictions to end results and compare our control plant to our experimental ones and identify differences and reasons why?

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