Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Robyn Doran

    I have chosen the activity set of ‘Stars’ to respond to this forum. I think stars are amazing and am personally very interested in learning about them. Therefore, I think this will help my students to be motivated and enthusiastic while learning about stars too! Teacher interest is always a benefit when teaching about new things.

    I would begin this lesson by showing the students a picture of stars at night. I would use ‘I wonder’ in a think pair share first of all and then a group share to see if the children know what they are. I would then prompt them through questioning.

    To follow on from this, I would show them a video to introduce them to what stars are, what they are made from and why we can see them at night/not see them. I love using scishow videos in my class and my student find them very interesting and engaging.

    I would then take the opportunity to ask the students if they can work in pairs to think of any questions about stars.

    the students would then use this as a stimulus to research their question. I would like to use this activity set to collaborate with art. I would provide the students with a variety of materials and ask them to create stars using arts and crafts.

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