Reply To: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework

Catherine Kelly

    My name is Catherine and I’m a learning support teacher. Last year, I taught 1st class. I teach in a DEIS 1 school. I have always been interested in Space/ the Solar System and my favourite fact is that the planets within our solar system produce sounds (which are not audible in a traditional sense as space doesn’t carry sound waves). They are plasma waves which have been converted to an audible frequency which can be listened to on NASA’s channel and social media pages.


    In inquiry based activity which I love to teach and facilitate within the junior classes is the Floating and Sinking experiment. The children sit in groups and each group is given two clear plastic tanks; one filled with soda water, the other filled with still water. The Children are each given two raisins. They drop one raisin into the soda water and the other into the still water. In their groups, they then make predictions. What will happen to the raisins? Will they float or sink? Will the raisins act differently in each tank? If so, why? They then discovered that the raisin ‘dances’ in the soda water and we discuss the reasons for this. We then record our findings on the Whiteboard and in their Science copies



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