Reply To: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework

Patricia Stokes

    A lesson for Junior Infants about the moon, moving from the child’s own experience/knowledge forward


    Look out- can you see, what do you see, why do you see

    Close your eyes – can you see, what do you see (or not), why do you think

    Talk about the opposites – differences between bright/light, day/night



    Play the Nursery Rhyme “The Man in the Moon” (Time for all children to be in bed)

    Is there really such a thing as a man in the moon? Who lives there? How do you get there?

    Using lower to higher order questions, discuss the children’s own experience and knowledge about the moon

    Children create their own image of the moon on a black background using a variety of materials.



    Get the children to talk about the moon in small groups. Feedback to class


    Follow up

    Ask the children to look at the moon that night before bed and report back next day


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