Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Aideen Lineen

    The lesson I would use in my classroom would be ‘Special Life’. I think this would work well in the infant classroom as it is aimed at a younger age group and definitely encourages the use of imagination and creativity. I would link this lesson to Earth Day which we put a lot of emphasis on in our school. I would begin by discussing planet Earth with the children and eliciting all that is special and important about our planet. I would then encourage the children to work in pairs to choose their favourite thing about planet Earth and we would use the role play suggestion in the lesson plan as part of a drama lesson. I really liked the idea of the children drawing an alien. I think this would be a really fun activity to do with the class as an art lesson. The extension activity of making a Martian would also be a great lesson however I think careful planning would be needed especially with infants. Particularly in relation to what materials could be used and the level of support that some children would need to make their Martian. However it is definitely possible once it is planned appropriately. I really liked the idea of using the Martians for maths work. I think the children would love this and would connect their learning across the different subjects.

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