Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Elaine O’Donoghue

    I have chosen the activity set of ‘stars’ and would aim this for 2nd class students.
    I would display pictures of the constellations and ask the students what they think they look like. Then we would discuss what their official names are and what they are commonly said to look like.

    The activity that I would look to recreate would be the ‘looking at the plough in two different ways’ activity. I would differentiate the activity, with very capable students completing the activity as described in the video, perhaps with the tinfoil squares already cut out for them, but requiring them to measure out the lengths of string and assemble as described. Teacher support would be provided when required.

    A related adaptation for other students would be that they could be given the dark construction paper/card and required to pierce holes the card in the correct positions of the stars, as instructed on the supplied template. They could join the ‘stars’ using white chalk to create the shape of the constellation on their page. They could display their work to the class by darkening the room and shining a lamp/torch behind their sheet so that the ‘constellation’ is projected on to the classroom wall.

    These two activities together would create familiarity of the ‘plough’ constellation amongst the students, who would all get a chance to observe each other’s creations.

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