Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Niamh Larkin

    There are so many ideas and resources in the course that you could use for Space week next October.
    Some ideas and activities I would use:
    1. Writing a letter to an alien on a different planet asking them questions and comparing our lives here on earth.
    2. A diary entry of an astronaut of what a normal day looks like.
    3. Making paper of foam rockets with help from Marvin and Milo- like explained in this module using different materials children can construct rockets in groups and for older classes they can figure out how to get their rocket to fly!
    4. Science experiments like dancing raisins
    5. Reading stories such as ‘Aliens in Underpants Save the World and ‘The Way back Home’ opening children’s imagination and ideas all around the topic of Space.
    6.Whole school poster competition on the theme of Space!

    There are so many resources on this course that would be easily implemented for Space week in our schools.

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