Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Siobhan Rooney

    Module Two
    Activity set: The planets
    I would introduce the planets to the pupils but playing the Planet Family Song on Youtube. This is a great resource. The song is catchy and perfect for younger classes. We will make a list of what we have discovered about each planet for the song. We will then add to the list, by discussing if we know any other planet facts. This can be displayed on a board and children can add to the fact list. Parents can also be linked in with the song on our class blog.
    We will then design a giant solar system for our class using playdoh and a large white chart. Children in groups of three will be tasked to design a planet each. What colour playdoh to use, what do we know about this planet.
    This can then be displayed on a notice board and we can discuss when planet is nearest the sun etc? We can invite other classes to visit our classroom solar system and think of interesting questions to ask on the solar system we have created.

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