Reply To: Module 5 – Rockets & Alien Chemistry

Dympna Kilcoyne

    An activity from this module that I can’t wait to do with my Senior Infants is the Rocket Mice. To excite the children about rockets I would read the Smeds and the Smoos to them; then we could chat about other Julia Donaldson books they know and the mouse from the Gruffalo etc and how he may like to visit the Smeds and the Smoos on their planet but how could he get there from Earth… Then we could begin designing our own rockets using bottles from the Junk Art box and the template mouse provided; I think they would find this so enjoyable, and love the competitive element of trying to make it go the highest or be launched the quickest; and develop an understanding of forming pressure inside the bottle by squeezing it. This has so many cross curricular links too such as Literacy; Hickory dickory dock or 3 blind mice, procedural writing, Drawing a picture and describing the mouse’s adventure in Space, Maths; measures and height, Art; designing and decorating the rockets further etc.

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