Reply To: Module 2 – The Moon, the Earth and the Sun

Dympna Kilcoyne

    Activity Set: The Planets
    I would definitely utilize all the activities in this module in my classroom. I especially loved the planet song: Family of the Sun, which I had never come across before, for infants. I would use this activity to introduce a unit of work on the planets. It depicts the solar system as a family which the children would all relate to and connect back to themselves; and definitely trigger their interest in the topic. The song is so catchy and easy to listen to and learn and teaches them facts about each planet in a clear and fun way. The video is lovely too and would fascinate the children and make them feel like astronauts floating through space exploring each planet. I think they would find the mention of Pluto very funny as this has been a big topic my classes always mention in recent years when we first start investigating Space; that Pluto was “kicked out” of the solar system. I think the song would have numerous cross curricular links with possibilities for Drama / Musical performance, Art, P.E., Maths and Literacy activities and endless prompts for Aistear.

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