Reply To: Module 3 – Stars, Space and Aliens

Anita Cooke

    Introduce lesson with the nursery rhyme ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little star’ to stimulate some discussion about stars.
    Talk and discussion about stars- where do you see them and when? What do they remind you of? What do you think they do?
    Explain to them that a group of stars that form a pattern or a picture is called a ‘Constellation’. We will look at some examples of constellations on IWB and discuss the names given Orion the Great hunter, Leo the Lion and Taurus the bull.
    Using some card, string, tinfoil and cellotape we will make a constellation to hang up in our room- (whole class activity)
    Children will then design and name their own constellation.
    To conclude the lesson the children will listen to and respond through movement to the song ‘Sky full of stars’ by Coldplay.

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