Reply To: Module 1 – The Curious Minds/ESERO Framework

Lucy O Mahony


    My name is Lucy and I teach in an Early Intevention class.  The children are aged 3 to 5 and most are non verbal.

    Everything I use has to be very simple. The topic I’d choose is materials and investigate water absorption.

    Trigger: 50 ml water spilled on the table.
    Have 4 different materials ready i.e. kitchen roll, a newspaper, a small sheet of plastic and a magazine. Each time spill 50 ml of water and use one of the materials to soak up the water. Take a photo of the table each time. After each child should touch the materials and observe if it is wet or not.  Sort into 2 categories i.e. wet or dry.
    Photographs could be ordered from the one which has the most water left on the table to the one with the least or vice versa

    This could extended with coats made of different materials. Pour water on 3/4 coats and identify the one which is best to keep out the rain ( waterproof )


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